Goyt Valley Striders
Affiliated to UK Athletics
Reg no. 2658036

Contacting Us

Goyt Valley Striders welcomes enquiries from everybody and anybody interested in Running. If you would like further information about membership, our races, or any aspect of the club, then please contact The Striders using the links below. Alternatively you can contact the Membership secretary on the number or address below:

General Contact

ANY QUESTIONS? Then feel free to email us Here:- Contact

JOINING US and other Membership Enquiries

There are many reasons why we think you should join Goyt Valley Striders; benefits include:-
- Regular news updates to members
- Competitively priced membership
- Affiliation to the UK Athletics (No unattached fee when entering races)
- Regular social running and training sessions
- Differing groups for your level of running (See training page)
- Beginners can be directed to the Couch to 5k program, Improvers welcome too
- Social events, away days and weekend trips
- Find out about many more routes & paths in our local area
- Get advice and tips from fellow runners
- Chance to purchase GVS club vest!
- Social Running or Training as part of a group is much more fun than alone
- We are not always about serious running etc but if thats what you want we do that too
- ...and of course much, much, more.


You can of course "give us a try". Why not come along to one of our sessions and introduce yourself.
Best one for trying us out is the Tuesday evening session. For beginners or social runners try the Saturday morning session. (see training page).
After you have been a couple of times or so and intend coming along to more, we would normally expect you to become a member. Membership starts at the very reasonable rate of £10 p/a
Note:-As a guest we will take contact details and ICE kept for the duration of the session.

2024/25 Fees:-

Basic Club Membership Fee: £10 (new and renewing member)
Membership Fee With affiliation to UK Athletics: £30

plus card handling fee through Nifty

We do suggest you read our Data Privacy Policy (in line with current regulations) This can be found Here:- Privacy

The membership application process has now moved online through Nifty Entries. Please fill out your details whether you are renewing or a potential new member.
Link to membership application form:- Apply

Membership Secretary Contact:

Aidan Grant:

Membership email Click/Tap:- Here

Contacting the Strider Editor

The Strider Editor welcomes contributions for other members, You can contact him by clicking Here

Other Useful Contacts